5 Things To Do While You Read With Your Child
1. Pick the book together.
For my kids and I, the best books we ever read together were the ones that we picked together. A trip to the local library, a selection from your own shelf or maybe a book swap with a friend can lead to a great read for you to enjoy. The trick is making sure your kids are interested in the book.
2. Read and show the title and the author of each book.
Being able to find the title and author is an important skill that your child will need to be able to do. By starting early, it will help them become proficient in the skill. Make it a game and see who can find it first. Or who can find it in the most places i.e. the cover, title page, spine, etc.
3. Ask for predictions.
Throughout a book, it is important to ask your child to guess what will happen next. Reading isn't only about knowing how to pronounce the words but also understanding the story and being engaged it. By asking your child to predict the next page or ending, it gives you a clue to their comprehension and also if they like it.
4. Move your finger as you read.
One way that you can help your child progress in learning to read is to model reading skills. Your finger will help them see the process of reading left to right. It also helps them make connections to the written word as they hear you speak it.
5. Make it a fun time that happens consistently every day.
I hope you enjoy these suggestions. Most of all enjoy these special moments with your child.
Happy Reading,
AND...the most important thing you can do to embed the love of books and reading is by making it a priority to read aloud EVERY day. Consistency is the key. By making a set time every day, you are showing your child the importance of this special time. Once a month, my daughter and I would visit the local library, load up on picture books and have a party when we got home. Our picture book party would include cozy blankets, hot cocoa, and LOTS of great picture books.
I hope you enjoy these suggestions. Most of all enjoy these special moments with your child.
Happy Reading,
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