Friday, April 12, 2013

Friday Five Book Fix...Holocaust Remembrance Week

Credit:  United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

While reading through Facebook posts the other day, I noticed that it was Holocaust Remembrance Day.  It struck me how coincidental that I had just started a book that features parts of the Holocaust, and then I realized that my son and I were reading a book that also talks about the Holocaust.  Yesterday while substituting in a 9th grade English class, another wonderful book that happens during the Holocaust appeared.   Listed below are these books as well as two more that are well worth reading and sharing with many people.

1.  storyteller

This is my current read that I just started and already has me swept up in the characters.   I love that Jodi Picoult takes on such challenging topics and ties them to current times.

2.  once

While reading this book, my son, Reid, a 13 year old, and I have had some interesting conversations about human nature and the choices that people make.   I asked him what he would do if he saw people scaring and hurting people as the Nazis did.  His reply, "Well, unfortunately, to some degree, this happens every day at Middle School and as hard as it is, I would stand by the person being harmed.   If I don't, then who will?"

3.  night

Freshman in our school district are reading the first of the Night series.  I would love to be a fly on the wall and hear the discussions that will occur from this thought-provoking novel.

4.  number the stars

Lois Lowry rightfully won the Newbery for this incredible book.

5.  butterfly

Author and illustrator extraordinaire, Patricia Polacco shares more of her rich family history in this masterpiece.  I am so grateful for her gift of storytelling through words and art.  I hope I can tell her in person someday.

I will bear witness and always remember so that those that lost their lives did not die in vain!  Do you have any other must reads about the Holocaust?


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