Friday, March 15, 2013

Friday Five Book Fix...Spring Break with Oregon Guidebooks

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Spring Break is coming to Oregon!  This Friday's theme honors the state's incredibly diverse and jaw-dropping beautiful scenery as well as cultural, historical and culinary delights!  The following five books are my favorite go-to resources for traveling the city and back roads of the "platypus" state.

1.  bill sullivan se oregon

Amazon description:

A complete and updated guide to traveling and hiking in Eastern Oregon, this book includes everything you'll need to plan a trip to the Wallowa Mountains, Steens Mountain, the high desert country near Bend, the Ochocos, or Hells Canyon. Travel guide information includes where to stay and what to see, including museums and bed & breakfasts, with up-to-date prices. Trail information covers virtually every route in the area, with special symbols identifying the best paths for hikers, equestrians, mountain bikers, and backpackers. GPS readings are given where useful. Sixteen pages of color photos include a guide to the wildflowers of Eastern Oregon. An appendix of 100 More Hikes in Eastern Oregon covers remote paths where you can get away from it all.

2.  weird oregon

Public Library Summary:

The Pacific Northwest teems with colorful history and unique legends—and this tour of the Beaver State is no exception! Check out the gas station restroom that looks like cowboy boots as you search the skies for a man flying across the state in a lawn chair tethered to helium balloons. And how about visiting that �city” in eastern Oregon with a year-round population of zero to two, depending on whether anyone gets trapped in the snow? Can it get any weirder than this!

3.  hiking oregon's history

Goodreads Summary:

Recounted in a fresh style that's fun for armchair travelers and hikers alike, this guidebook tells the stories behind 56 of Oregon's most scenic historic sites. Come follow Lewis and Clark's trail across Tillamook Head. Ride with Chief Joseph on his tragic retrat through Hells Canyon. Discover paths to fire lookouts, lighthouses, and abandoned gold mines. Relive legends, discoveries, scandals, and triumphs that rocked the West. Come hike Oregon's history!

4.  atlas oregon wilderness

Goodreads Summary:

A guide to Oregon's wilderness areas, including newly designated areas as well as old favorites from Mt. Hood and the Three Sisters to the Wallowas and Steens Mountain. Includes 70 pages of maps, 40 pages of color photos, and more than 200 b/w photos.

5.  food lover's guide to portland

Goodreads Summary:

In this economy it's all about local, and Portland has developed a beautifully creative and bountiful food and drink ecosystem. This book is the indispensable access guide to it all. Portland, the little foodie town that could, is quickly becoming the national capital for all things edible and artisan. For cooks, tourists, people who love to eat, localtarians, wine lovers, cheese freaks, Parisian ex-pats in search of a decent baguette, cocktail hounds on a 100-mile diet -- this is the guide to the goods.


Happy reading and exploring,


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